Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why do i feel so depressed and sad?

One Question, which is so killing is Why do i feel so depressed and sad?
Firstly I a boy and high school student. I have a great life, i am a good student, get great marks, have awesome supportive friends, and not family is good enough. But whenever i am around friends i never feel happy or very excited to be around. I dont know why but, i talk to them a bit. but most of the times don't even talk to them even if they r there. i don't feel like or something or i just don't talk idk why. I was fine before but i always feel lonely and all by myself. i like a girl also, but never had luck with anyone. what should i do to feel better, be better, anbd not be lonely. people tell me to be myself, but idk what i should do by being myself. My life is screwed up. i was fine, before but i just am depressed, idk how to explain. what should i do please help ?????
I guess i am too stressed but my exams are over, grade 11 now, one of the main things is why don't i feel like talking to anyone even the one i like?? i never even get a topic to talk about, please help?? i would love to get some good responses, :(
Nowadays i dont find interested in doing anything, even playing, gyming anything is boring, everything i do is like, i have to do it so i should do it, why????????? HElp please, what should i do to feel better or recover,??? i am physically fine, no disease,

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What all out of lottery!

If I won a million dollars in a lottery ticket I would be feeling as if I were out of this world. So much money would be in my hands that, I would think of using it for everything I want. I can even misuse it but I have greater and better plans which would not be a waste of my windfall.
Firstly, I would like to pay all the debt s or repayments I or my family owes. This includes repayments for loans for a house or car. I would be very happy to help my family in such ways as it will reduce the burden on the earning people of my family like my dad.
I would even share it with my own family if it were required. We never know what destiny awaits us. In times of need we often need money and I would be very useful source at those times.
Along with those, I would try and buy a Ferrari or any great red car along with a bike. I love driving even though it is not my age yet. I like possessing amazing cars even though I own none but Hot wheels. So it is my lifelong dream to buy a car.
As I said before, future and destiny are unpredictable as I would save some of the total amount of money in the bank in aid of my further studies. I would be able to join better schools or universities. Also, I can save some of the money as fixed deposits in bank so that the money can increase. I know it is geed but on the bright side the money would be utilised by the bank al well as me.
I have a hobby of making electronic items. However, finding the right parts and buying them in bulk would be made easy with my lottery money. Then I can make lots of equipment and enjoy.
Along with all that I even plan to use some off it to repair the houses and improve the conditions of the area of my hometown. I would provide some also for the temple improvement.
I know it is a lot from the one million dollars I wish I had. Maybe it is a dream today but I believe, I will be earning myself the amount I want and not just dream it or use lottery as a means.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

It is correct when one says that school curriculum provides everything that an average teenager should know about adult life?

School us a place of knowledge. We learn several things from school. The knowledge and understanding we receive from school is numerous, and so it is correct when one says that school curriculum provides everything that an average teenager should know about adult life. I support this statement due to several reasons.
School curriculum provides us several subjects. Each subject is unique and has different types of occupations related to it. An average teenager would have enough information about each subject and respective fields. Then he can choose wisely his profession and also have a background about other subjects.
A student will learn to do several tasks i.e. multitasking at school. Adults really require this specific skill to balance their work, family, social life and finances. Within a school, teenagers are provided with several tasks like projects and essays all together, so this adds to the development of multitasking. This technique also aids in time management skills. This knowledge is not provided yet developed in teenagers due to the school curriculum.
Competition is another aspect a teenager learns within school boundaries and outside also. Tests, ranks and rewards make him compete more as adults always face competition.
A teenager can be totally independent in his work because he doesn’t get help from his parents when in school and teachers help only to a certain extent. This ensures the student uses his full potential to be what he wants to be.
My opponents might say that even after such a curriculum there are so many evils in society. Well for them, I can say that a bad man will be bad with or without school. School tries its best to avoid such happenings by punishments. To prevent those acts a school also provides information related to the harmful effects of evils in the society, but it is impossible to stop a person from committing a crime if that thought us in his mind.  
My opponents may even say that so many talents are overlooked these days. It’s not just the school that is responsible for it. A school tries its level best to try and arrange as many extra curricula activities and competitions, so that more students are motivated and inspired to join.  Teachers may even force the students but he himself should display his talent. The ones, who show out their talents, reveal their hidden talents and also become very courageous.
Thus I support that school curriculum provides enough  scope for a student to learn and grow in such a way that he is prepared for adult life. After all, the curriculum was designed with lots of care and accuracy as per the students’ mental calibre. 

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dog Issues: Medical


Dogs are a great helpers of human as they serve us in different way. Since old times dogs have been constantly showing the path to a blind man or even helping people during times of extreme disasters like earthquakes. The long known skill of dogs is till date utilized in several aspects of our lives especially in crime investigation, their sense of smell is a great use to us. However that’s not all, recent facts and results reveal much more talents the dogs have which can be utilized by us in several ways. In medical field they have achieved a major position. Dogs like Doberman can actually sense cancerous symptoms within our bodies from outside even before we can feel or detect it. They can help in treatment also, because it was heard that a dog was biting off a cancerous mole from a person’s body before for preventing or stopping the disease. Trained dogs as such can actually help us even in our daily households, like helping us wear clothes, doing the laundry, or even fetching object for us. These helping hand can aid us in reducing our stress and also giving us a healthier life since we would get enough time for ourselves which we can utilize. If trained the dogs can do miracles, It is true which is said ' a dog is man's best friend.

these pictures are taken from online, google search engine.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Resolutions

So what new resolutions are you making this year?

Will it be to getting a girlfriend, or will it be to be better in studies. Will you making one resolution or many!! Will you even make any? Well to tell you the truth, I do make promises, and plan to try new ideas, but at the end of the year I finally realise, I hardly worked on the commitments I made.
This year I have decided again to make new commitments again and also follow some of my old ones also. To choose there are so many resolutions I can possibly choose, but I or even you must prioritize the wants and the dos and don’ts that I or you will try to follow. Choices can be made in several fields, like responsibility, amusement, relationship etc. but there must always be few or one out of many that will be given most importance to.

To me, I will be giving my most importance to responsibilities, especially in my study life. It is my key to success, for any ladder I choose I would have to give education first priority. This was one of my constant resolutions however I would always end up playing around.
Another new idea I am planning to do is try to get the girl I love. It is among the toughest jobs since we never know what a girl’s mind wants from a guy. I always liked her and even asked her out once but I never got a yes from her. I believe she ignores me and so I would try to be her nicest friend and also her boyfriend.

I plan to stick to th9ese two main resolutions. Hope you like it. This is one small quote from my book: Resolutions can be made for any purposes but remember to follow them or you mess up at the end.