Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why do i feel so depressed and sad?

One Question, which is so killing is Why do i feel so depressed and sad?
Firstly I a boy and high school student. I have a great life, i am a good student, get great marks, have awesome supportive friends, and not family is good enough. But whenever i am around friends i never feel happy or very excited to be around. I dont know why but, i talk to them a bit. but most of the times don't even talk to them even if they r there. i don't feel like or something or i just don't talk idk why. I was fine before but i always feel lonely and all by myself. i like a girl also, but never had luck with anyone. what should i do to feel better, be better, anbd not be lonely. people tell me to be myself, but idk what i should do by being myself. My life is screwed up. i was fine, before but i just am depressed, idk how to explain. what should i do please help ?????
I guess i am too stressed but my exams are over, grade 11 now, one of the main things is why don't i feel like talking to anyone even the one i like?? i never even get a topic to talk about, please help?? i would love to get some good responses, :(
Nowadays i dont find interested in doing anything, even playing, gyming anything is boring, everything i do is like, i have to do it so i should do it, why????????? HElp please, what should i do to feel better or recover,??? i am physically fine, no disease,

1 comment:

  1. seem to be a really great guy..and i can,through whatever i have read in your blog, guess you are pretty depressed about having noone to love (basically a girl) in your life.

    i dont know if you have told her about ur feelings or assuming dat yu havent, i vud reccomend you to go and tell her how you feel...dont bother about what she will always be for the good...

    if you have told her how you felt, then definitely your sad blog tells me dat she refused...!! i dont know wt the reason is, but i think that you shud move on in life....juz think about have the perfect life...yu r amazing at studies..yu have great frnds...ur family is good...i mean ur life is as good as perfect...dont let a girl ruin it for you..!!!

    through wtevr i have read, i can say dat yu have immense calibre...dnt waste it..!!! i know its easier said dan done...but yu need to give it a try...i mean...yu have the potential to do a lot of good things in life...yu shudnt waste dat fr sum girl..

    n if yu r really lonely...find happiness in ur frnds..i bet yu definitely have a true frnd..involve ursfl in2 things dat yu love to ur mid off dat yourself fr hu yu are...cuz m sure yu r amazing..!!! :)

    and den...i can bet...dat one day..very soon...yu vil find the perfect vil b der vid yu no matter wat vil love yu fr hu yu are...!!! sooo...dont waste ur time n a bitch hu never cared...but use this time dat yu mk urslf into sum1 dat when dat perfect girl comes are ready to be all dat she ever wanted..!!

    its gunna be lonely fr den....try to indentify ur true frnds...spend tym vid dem...discuss ur problms..dont shy wont get this tym of ur life back matter how much yu miss it juz mk the best use of this tym..!!

    sorry if i was too philosophical and long...but i juz thot...dat maybe i can help you out...cuz trust me...evryone goes thru such a phase in life...EVERYONE...its all about how you manage uslf in dese situations which vil determine hw good ur life vil b m gunna end dis...vid juz one thot...dat buddy..always remember dat yu r awesum...n dat its only in ur hand to decide if yu wanna be happy n fun....or remain sad always...!!! i hope yu choose wts right fr yu!! :)
