Dogs are a great helpers of human as they serve us in different way. Since old times dogs have been constantly showing the path to a blind man or even helping people during times of extreme disasters like earthquakes. The long known skill of dogs is till date utilized in several aspects of our lives especially in crime investigation, their sense of smell is a great use to us. However that’s not all, recent facts and results reveal much more talents the dogs have which can be utilized by us in several ways. In medical field they have achieved a major position. Dogs like Doberman can actually sense cancerous symptoms within our bodies from outside even before we can feel or detect it. They can help in treatment also, because it was heard that a dog was biting off a cancerous mole from a person’s body before for preventing or stopping the disease. Trained dogs as such can actually help us even in our daily households, like helping us wear clothes, doing the laundry, or even fetching object for us. These helping hand can aid us in reducing our stress and also giving us a healthier life since we would get enough time for ourselves which we can utilize. If trained the dogs can do miracles, It is true which is said ' a dog is man's best friend.
these pictures are taken from online, google search engine.