Thursday, December 30, 2010

What is Life?

Searching an answer for what’s life? What does it mean? Why we live? 
Well you see every organism has his own point of view of what is life.  To one life might be a character in the story that god makes whereas the other might think it as a maze that leads either to Peace and Service or to Selfishness and Death. However people never have a true answer what it is. However what do you feel, is life?
I had gone asking around to several people but none had an answer which i satisfied to. Then i tried to think technologically, to conclude that we human bodies or any other living body is a working, moving, reproducing body which eats food to power itself and removes the waste materials, by different means. Humans have created robots which can do all the functions a human body can do or at least a lot of it, like coordination or even reproduction, so when we have a definition of a robot why can’t we use the same for humans or any living thing, technically speaking it is also alive just that because we created it we don't consider it alive. Just as Richard Dawkins states organisms are «survival machines, blindly programmed to preserve the selfish molecules known as genes». Many argue on the comparison of human for instance with a robot, however think of it in a different way.  God is our creator and we say we live or we have lie, thus this also means, we are god to the robots and they can say they are living or have a life, since we created them. However I thought once again whether I was right, thinking in a different point would give me a different thought.
When I thought in a rather different way, I got a total different answer, which I believe might be another answer to what is life. In one word I summarised it, Life is existence. Our existence in this world is life for us so existence is what life might be.  But how do we define existence? The definition of existence also has the word life in it.
There are many words which exist but have no proper meaning; words such as life, magic, existence, itself, do not have a proper meaning. These words have vast meaning within them that we ourselves thought of it but concluded no proper answer. So my readers believe in what you think and try to question it to see whether you are correct and you will find the answers.